Our recent inspection in September showed that we were classified as ‘good’ and fully compliant with all CQC essential standards. In past inspections, we have also received many positive comments about our highly individualised person-centred care.
Yes we do and we can tailor our care levels to the individual needs of residents.
It’s a massive decision so please contact our senior team and they will help. sometimes an informal visit for lunch and perhaps an activity session will answer and reassure any questions.
Yes we do look after residents with milder forms of dementia however we are not a secure unit with residents locked into the home. Therefore we would not be able to accept some dementia residents who have a history of leaving their homes.
We start to personalise our residents’ care even before they are admitted to the home through a detailed assessment of their needs and requirements. We spend a great deal of time trying to understand as much as we can about our residents likes and dislikes and what makes them the individual that they are.
As long as the philosophy of a home is completely oriented to individualised care it doesn’t matter if there are five or eighty residents. The commitment of the home for the last thirty years has been to encourage residents and their families to continue family life with our support when needed.
We are massively committed to the professional development of our staff. Clinically we are a lead home in the area and every member of staff has a personal development plan and pathway.
The short answer to this is no. Every resident can chose when their day starts and when they want to go to bed and all things in-between.
Visiting times are currently restricted and subject to regular changes due to Covid-19 and Government guidelines. Please contact us for up to date guidelines on visiting residents or to view the home.
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What people say
People and relatives spoke warmly of the staff team and described them as, “Lovely, caring, kind, professional and friendly.” One relative said, “I would give them 100% for care, politeness and kindness”.
CQC InspectorStaff training is developed and delivered around individual needs and learning styles. The provider had a pro-active, detailed training process that fully supported staff and actively encouraged their future professional development.
CQC InspectorLaurel Care Home staffed above the core numbers of trained staff required. This ensured people received individual, person centred care and support at all times.
CQC InspectorStaff felt very well supported and commented positively on the range and quality of the training they received. Staff told us the training was “Excellent”.
CQC Inspector