A Heartfelt Thank You
It’s always so rewarding to receive thanks for the job we do. To hear that we have ‘given someone their life back and they shall be forever grateful’ is so…
Laurel Care Home is a family-run care home in the New Forest and Southampton area which provides a homely, supportive and friendly environment for our residents who require exceptional residential, nursing, respite and palliative care. We recognise that making the right decision when it comes to finding the right care home for a loved one is often daunting and difficult. We have nearly forty years of experience providing excellent, individualised holistic care and we would be delighted to hear from you and offer our expertise and help.
The home provides fantastic accommodation for people with a wide and often complex set of needs. We do this with an emphasis on safety, dignity, comfort and individuality in a way that allows everyone to maximise their potential. Staff at Laurel Care Home are dedicated to ensuring all our residents achieve a happy and fulfilling life in a homely environment which demonstrates sensitivity to everyone’s individual needs. We are here to support both the residents and their families in providing the highest quality of care provision available.
Understanding the type of care your relative needs, whether this is Residential, Respite, Nursing, Palliative or Dementia Care, is essential to the health and happiness of your loved one. Laurel Care Home is registered with the Care Quality Commission to provide high-quality residential, nursing, respite and palliative care to 60 residents in spacious individual rooms with en-suite facilities. Since every prospective resident is assessed prior to moving in we can completely tailor our care levels to the needs of each individual. If you’re looking for additional support for a loved one, here is more information on types of care we provide. If you still have questions you need answering please give us a call and we will be more than happy to help.
It’s always so rewarding to receive thanks for the job we do. To hear that we have ‘given someone their life back and they shall be forever grateful’ is so…
The nurses develop person centred care plans and discuss care with the residents…very rarely are residents admitted to hospital as an unplanned admission… the home has the local reputation of high quality compassionate care.
Visiting Healthcare ProfessionalPeople and their relatives were fully involved in assessing and planning the care and support they received. People’s ongoing health care needs were continually assessed and people were referred to health professionals
CQC InspectorPeople and relatives were encouraged to share their views about the service which were welcomed and acted upon.
CQC InspectorMany staff told us Laurel Care Home was the best home they had ever worked in.
CQC InspectorThe service was very well-led. The registered manager demonstrated how their open and supportive management style and use of innovative schemes and ideas had sustained continual development and improvement throughout the service.
CQC InspectorThey demonstrated ways of working that improved the outcomes for the people they supported. They were clear about their expectations relating to how the service should be provided and led by example.
CQC Inspector